Branislav Žegarac, Ph.D. Professor, Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade University

Branislav Žegarac (1957) after under-graduet studies at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade (1980), he specialized (1983), finished his master's degree (1985) and PhD (1989) at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade.
In the period from 1983 to 1986 he was employed at the Yugoslav Institute for Urban Planning and Housing (JUGINUS). Since 1986 employed at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade.
For professional and scientific training, he was abroad in Philadelphia, USA (University of
Pennsylvania, 1987), in London, UK, 1989 and Copenhagen, Denmark (The Royal Danish Academy of FineArts, School of Architecture, 1991)
He taught at the Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Belgrade.
He is the author of a textbook of architectural construction, as well as numerous scientific papers that have been published in monographs, magazines and within the domestic and international conferences.
During the 90s he collaborated with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) on housing projects for refugees. In the same period, he designed several objects in the field of social protection which were built in Belgrade.
In the period after 2000 he designed and built 19 residential and commercial buildings in Belgrade.